

winter rituals

Well it is always the same time of year that I remember crochet... possible the same exact day.  My very favourite crochet project is to make a blanket. The bigger the better. Not only am I being productive whilst sitting on my lazy arse, watching tv(quality time with boyfriend), I am warm warm warmmmmmmmm! Bonus.
Its too bad I left my massive bag of wool in NZ last week.  Off to the Salvation Army I go to start a new bag...


Mrs Knight said...

soo soo glad to see you back sweet rosa!!! we love&miss you! xx

Stella said...

ooh, and this time it will be for littlest Rutherford-Busck? I need to start my squares...

Stella said...

The pot is sweet eh! Just a little one, but don't worry, when you have kidlets they can all share it, really kiddy size

Manda said...

have decided to crochet a hat for myself in rememberence of my grandma peg whose crochet hat I wore for years after she died until I lost in the airport last winter, made me sad